Performance and cost-effectiveness evaluation of multiplex molecular testing for enteric pathogens in a Canadian health-care setting
Dr. Astrid Petrich, Division of Microbiology, The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto
Canadian Foundation for Infectious Diseases
Dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in Infectious Diseases
Performance and cost-effectiveness evaluation of multiplex molecular testing for enteric pathogens in a Canadian health-care setting
Dr. Astrid Petrich, Division of Microbiology, The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto
When you give to the Canadian Foundation for Infectious Diseases (CFID), you are helping create a healthier future for us all. Your donation helps protect Canadians and people worldwide from developing, spreading and succumbing to infectious diseases.
The Canadian Foundation for Infectious Diseases is a charitable organization committed to improving the health of Canadians and people worldwide through the support of research and dissemination of knowledge pertaining to the prevention, diagnosis, control and treatment of infectious diseases.
c/o Dr. Larissa Matukas, President
St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto
30 Bond Street, Rm 2-040, CC Wing
Toronto, Ontario
M5B 1W8
Charitable Organization
12365 1333 RR0001